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Epona Shed Express Review
by Rachel Masen

February 28, 2024

Ease of Use / Performance 10

So I’m a huge fan of Epona products (and have been for years). I’ve reviewed a few of their other products in the past that are staples in my grooming tote (the Tiger Tongue and the Queen’s Brush). Both of those products got perfect reviews…because I could literally think of nothing bad to say about them…will the new Shed Express fair as well? Well…spoiler alert (you can already see the numerical review above)…yes it is also a perfect score! How do they keep doing it? What’s so special about a shedding blade? Read on.

I’ve always struggled with these types of tools for various reasons. They’re either too big, too cumbersome to use, too sharp/dangerous, or you have to work really hard to get the hair off. I swear I’ve tried them all. I’ve tried old school metal curries. Metal single blade type. Shedding flowers (from Epona which I never reviewed, but did use in the past). Rubber shedding tools (you know the ones). The Slick N Easy. I’ve reviewed several too (but not all…as some I wouldn’t give the time of day). Up until the Shed Express…my go do was simply a curry/the flower curry or the Slick N Easy block. No more. This product solved every single one of my issues.

First off, I want to say that I was surprised (in a good way) at how petite this shedding blade is. Because of it’s size and light weight…it fits in my hand easily (and my grooming tote). Check box one – great size.

                                                                                                            So NOT sharp you can rub it on your face!
                                                                                                            What about sharpness? If you’re anything like me (and lets be                                                                                                                    honest…you’re probably not nearly as bad as I am) but sharp                                                                                                                      shedding blades are dangerous. I’ve legit cut myself on the                                                                                                                        traditional shedding blades and metal curries so badly I have                                                                                                                    scars to show for it (and trips to get Tetanus shots). Not to                                                                                                                            mention many horses do NOT appreciate the sharpness /                                                                                                                          harshness of those types of blades. Well this one…impossible to                                                                                                                cut yourself. I can rub it vigorously across my skin and nothing.                                                                                                                  Nothing at all. Not even a scratchy. Check box 2 – not                                                                                                                                    dangerous. 
Ease of use? Well…this takes the hair off with very                                                                                                                    little effort. No aggressive swiping or currying here. Just slight                                                                                                                  pressure as you go across the coat. Takes the hair right on out                                                                                                                  with minimal effort. Really…the least amount of effort I’ve ever                                                                                                                    expended on a shedding product.

Takes very little pressure to pull the hair right out.
Comfort for the horse? Jax seems to like it. He enjoys me using this on him (and he’s VERY picky about what I use on him…being a Chestnut and all). Except in rare circumstance (like pre-show super grooming) I only use Hands On Gloves and the Tiger Tongue on him. Brushes…he is NOT a fan. Regular curries? Not a fan. This thing…he LOVES. He stretches out his neck and does the little lip wiggle when I get the right spots. He thinks it’s a little massage.

Underside of my pad during shedding season…
On top of all that…it’s also fantastic for taking hair off the underside of your pads. You know…when it’s shedding season you have a REAL mess on your hands with your pads. I limit my pad use to just a couple of pads until he’s totally shed out because I really hate trashing pads (and my washing machine) with so much hair. Usually getting the hair out of my pads includes aggressive cleaning with some laundry brushes and a shop vac. This thing…takes the hair off in seconds with very little pressure or effort. And no damage to my pad fabric (at least no obvious damage to the naked eye…unlike what I’ve been using to clean my pads). It’s supposed to work on Velcro as well, which I haven’t tried yet…but I imagine it will work just dandy.

Post cleanup with the Shed Express…easy!
On top of all those wonderful traits…it’s also supposed to never rust (the metal used is copper). To clean it, I just run a brush over the blade and I’m good to go. And there’s no plastic here…so it’s good for the environment long term too. The price is fantastic. Cheaper than many options and on par with others…and it’s a LOT better so the value is 100% there.

I’m so thankful for Epona products for continuing to make such super and innovative grooming tools for our horses. I can’t wait to see what they come out with next! Really…the last three things I’ve tried from them have just been… *chefs kiss*